What Is AIOTKU- SEMUT 1.0 Platform ?
– Sistem Monitoring Utilitas – Platform untuk pemantauan operasi real time . Ini merupakan terobosan dalam Operasi dan Manajemen Energi: sistem yang fleksibel dan terjangkau yang memungkinkan Anda melihat operasi peralatan dan penggunaan energi secara terus-menerus – pada tingkat detail yang belum pernah Anda lihat sebelumnya.
Untuk fasilitas industri, komersial, atau kelembagaan, AIOTKU-SEMUT menunjukkan konsumsi energi dan pola pengoperasian setiap panel listrik, pompa, kompresor, chiller, atau apapun – secara real-time.
Secara khusus, ini memungkinkan Anda melihat kinerja produksi dan peralatan energi Anda secara real-time di berbagai tingkatan – yaitu mesin tunggal, lini produksi, lantai produksi, seluruh fasilitas, atau beberapa fasilitas – dengan data yang terlihat di satu dasboard
– Sistem Monitoring Utilitas – Platform for real-time operations monitoring. It represents a breakthrough in Operations and Energy Management: a flexible, affordable system that enables you to view your equipment operations and energy use continuously – at a level of detail you’ve never seen before.
For industrial, commercial, or institutional facilities, AIOTKU-SEMUT shows you the energy consumption and operating patterns of every electrical panels , pump, compressor, chiller, oven, fan, heater or motor of any kind – in real-time.
Specifically, it lets you view the performance of your energy production and equipment in real-time at multiple levels – i.e. a single machine, a production line, a production floor, an entire facility or multiple facilities – with the data visible on one dashboard.
Keuntungan finansial langsung
- Mengidentifikasi Energi yang Terbuang – biasanya penghematan 5%-15% dari total pengeluaran energi Anda
- Meminimalkan Waktu Henti Peralatan – peringatan prediktif kegagalan alat berat yang akan datang
- Meningkatkan Efisiensi Operasional – pengaturan proses, penjadwalan, dan keterampilan tenaga kerja
- Menghitung Biaya Produksi dan ROI Investasi secara akurat
- Mengubah Strategi Pemeliharaan dari Terjadwal menjadi Prediktif menjadi Berbasis Kondisi.
Immediate financial benefits
- Identifying Wasted Energy – typically 5%-15% savings of your total energy spend
- Minimizing Equipment Downtime – predictive warning of impending machine failure
- Improving Operational Efficiency – process settings, scheduling and labor skills
- Calculating Production Costs and Investment ROI accurately
- Changing Maintenance Strategies from Scheduled to Predictive to Condition-Based.
Fleksibilitas: dapat digunakan dengan sensor pihak ketiga
Kami menyediakan semua jenis sensor seperti flow meter, power meter, sensor suhu, sensor tekanan dengan harga yang sangat ekonomis.
Tetap saja kami tidak kaku untuk memaksa klien menggunakan sensor kami.
Sistem kami dapat dikonfigurasi dengan semua sensor pihak ketiga.
Flexibility: can be used with third party sensor
We are providing all type of sensors like flow meter, power meter, temperature sensor, pressure sensor at very economical price.
Still we are not rigid to force client to use our sensors.
Our system is configurable with all third-party sensors.
REPORTS & mobile apps
Basic and advanced reports: Report energy savings to entire community
Set up automated reports to receive, weekly or monthly reports. Set up alerts based on your area and profile.
- EXCEL or pdf reports.
- Weekly, monthly, quarterly report automatically e-mail only to indicated users.
- You can set standard SEC range and compare your present time consumption against it.
- We will monitor your Energy consumption
- You can download mobile Apps
Project Reference :
Manage the full scope of your power network
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