Bagi Anda yang mempunyai relay proteksi Easergy , sebagai pengganti SEPAM Series

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Easergy P3 and P5 software for setting and configuration

Easergyp3range with app ic 654x654 1 - electrical & industrial supplier - system integrator - service & maintenance subcontractor

Part of PowerLogic

eSetup Easergy Pro offers full facilities to set up Easergy P3 and P5 Protection relays. Intuitive and simple, eSetup Easergy Pro is a user-oriented interface to assist you during the engineering, commissioning and operation of Easergy P3 and P5 protection relays. Its streamlined workflow and graphical representations has been designed to simplify your configuration process.

Bagian dari PowerLogic

eSetup Easergy Pro menawarkan fasilitas lengkap untuk mengatur relay Easergy P3 dan P5 Protection. Intuitif dan sederhana, eSetup Easergy Pro adalah antarmuka berorientasi pengguna untuk membantu Anda selama rekayasa, commissioning, dan pengoperasian relai perlindungan Easergy P3 dan P5. Alur kerja yang ramping dan representasi grafisnya telah dirancang untuk menyederhanakan proses konfigurasi Anda.


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